3 idées Nail Art avec MoYou London – Artist 28 Collection [ #TwinStamping ]


Aujourd’hui, je te propose du nail art avec un nouveau Twin Stamping réalisé avec mon binôme Les Ongles de B., mais aussi 3 idées de nail art avec une plaque de stamping MoYou London et enfin le test de mon premier vernis spécial stamping de Born Pretty Store.

Today, I propose you nail art with a new Twin Stamping made with my binomial Les ongles de B., but also 3 nail art ideas with a stamping plate MoYou London and finally the test of my first Born Pretty Store stamping polish.

MoYou London Artict 28 _ Chevron nail art _ Catrice Brown Collection _ Love Nails Etc2

Je suis très heureuse de te retrouver pour partager beaucoup de choses! Comme je te le disais la semaine dernière, c’est enfin le retour du binôme Barbara – Julia pour un Twin Stamping avec une plaque de chez MoYou London.

I am very happy to meet you to share many things! As I told you last week, it is finally the return of the pair Barbara – Julia for a Twin Stamping with a MoYou London plate.


Barbara et moi sommes « copinails » depuis quelques années déjà. Et nous partageons une passion dévorante qui est le stamping. Je pense qu’une de nos marques favorites est très certainement MoYou London et c’est tout naturellement que nous avons choisi une plaque de stamping de cette marque pour notre Twin Stamping d’aujourd’hui.

Barbara and I have been « nail friends » for a few years now. And we share a devouring passion that is stamping. I think one of our favorite brands is certainly MoYou London and it’s only natural that we chose a stamping plate of this brand for our today’s Twin Stamping.

Pour rappel, le Twin Stamping est un moment de partage avant tout. Nous choisissons un dessin en commun sur une même plaque de stamping et nous publions, dans le plus grand secret, notre nail art le même jour et au même moment.

As a reminder, the Twin Stamping is a time of sharing above all. We choose a common drawing on the same stamping plate and we publish, in the biggest secrecy, our nail art the same day and at the same time.

La différence cette fois-ci, c’est que la plaque choisie est une plaque qui nécessite la superposition. Et donc, nous avons assoupi la règle. Je m’explique: au lieu de choisir un dessin comment, nous avons décidé de laisser libre cours à notre imagination.

The difference this time is that the plate chosen is a plate that requires overlapping. And so, we have drunk the rule. Let me explain: instead of choosing a drawing how, we decided to give free rein to our imagination.


Voici donc la plaque de stamping MoYou de la collection Artist, la numéro 28. (Disponible  Nail Art Boutique -10% code LOVE5).

Here is the stamping plaque MoYou of the Artist collection, number 28. (Available Nail Art Boutique -10% code LOVE5).

MoYou London Artict 28 _ Chevron nail art _ Catrice Brown Collection _ Love Nails EtcMoYou London Artict 28 _ Chevron nail art _ Catrice Brown Collection _ Love Nails Etc2

J’ai choisi de faire 3 nail art complètement différents.

I chose to do 3 completely different nail art.


Le premier est assez simple. J’ai utiliser une image dans le sens logique de la plaque et créé une manicure chevron.

Pour les couleurs, j’ai utilisé 4 teintes de marron de la collection Catrice Brown. (Disponible sur www.kosmetik4less.de )

The first is quite simple. I use an image in the logical sense of the plate and created a chevron manicure.

For the colors, I used 4 shades of brown from the Catrice Brown collection. (Available on www.kosmetik4less.de)

MoYou London Artict 28 _ Chevron nail art _ Catrice Brown Collection _ Love Nails Etc3MoYou London Artict 28 _ Chevron nail art _ Catrice Brown Collection _ Love Nails Etc4MoYou London Artict 28 _ Chevron nail art _ Catrice Brown Collection _ Love Nails Etc5MoYou London Artict 28 _ Chevron nail art _ Catrice Brown Collection _ Love Nails Etc6MoYou London Artict 28 _ Chevron nail art _ Catrice Brown Collection _ Love Nails Etc7




Le second nail art est plus dans un esprit moderne minimalist avec des couleurs que l’on voit beaucoup sur les manucures que propose Moyou London. J’ai utilisé des vernis Kinetics: Wasted beauty, Dangerous game et Why not my friend (disponible sur www.vernisongles.fr -10% code LOVENAILSETC10)

Ensuite, j’ai utilisé le vernis spécial stamping Born Pretty Store couleur or rose qui est vraiment très bien ( disponible sur BORN PRETTY STORE ref: #41004-3 coupon -10% code LOVEW10) puis j’ai superposé un vernis noir avec un dessin rayé.


The second nail art is more in a modern minimalist spirit with colors that we see a lot on the manicures offered by Moyou London. I used Kinetics varnishes: Wasted beauty, Dangerous game and Why not my friend (available on www.vernisongles.fr -10% code LOVENAILSETC10)

Then, I used the special nail polish stamping Born Pretty store pink gold color which is really very good (available on BORN PRETTY STORE ref: # 41004-3 coupon -10% code LOVEW10) then I superimposed a black varnish with a striped drawing.

MoYou London Artict 28 _ Born Pretty Store Stamping Polish Chrome _ Nail Art Minimalist_ Kinetics nail polish _ Love Nails EtcMoYou London Artict 28 _ Born Pretty Store Stamping Polish Chrome _ Nail Art Minimalist_ Kinetics nail polish _ Love Nails Etc2MoYou London Artict 28 _ Born Pretty Store Stamping Polish Chrome _ Nail Art Minimalist_ Kinetics nail polish _ Love Nails Etc3MoYou London Artict 28 _ Born Pretty Store Stamping Polish Chrome _ Nail Art Minimalist_ Kinetics nail polish _ Love Nails Etc4MoYou London Artict 28 _ Born Pretty Store Stamping Polish Chrome _ Nail Art Minimalist_ Kinetics nail polish _ Love Nails Etc5MoYou London Artict 28 _ Born Pretty Store Stamping Polish Chrome _ Nail Art Minimalist_ Kinetics nail polish _ Love Nails Etc6MoYou London Artict 28 _ Born Pretty Store Stamping Polish Chrome _ Nail Art Minimalist_ Kinetics nail polish _ Love Nails Etc7MoYou London Artict 28 _ Born Pretty Store Stamping Polish Chrome _ Nail Art Minimalist_ Kinetics nail polish _ Love Nails Etc8MoYou London Artict 28 _ Born Pretty Store Stamping Polish Chrome _ Nail Art Minimalist_ Kinetics nail polish _ Love Nails Etc9MoYou London Artict 28 _ Born Pretty Store Stamping Polish Chrome _ Nail Art Minimalist_ Kinetics nail polish _ Love Nails Etc10


MoYou London Artict 28 _ Born Pretty Store Stamping Polish Chrome _ Nail Art Minimalist_ Kinetics nail polish _ Love Nails Etc11MoYou London Artict 28 _ Born Pretty Store Stamping Polish Chrome _ Nail Art Minimalist_ Kinetics nail polish _ Love Nails Etc12MoYou London Artict 28 _ Born Pretty Store Stamping Polish Chrome _ Nail Art Minimalist_ Kinetics nail polish _ Love Nails Etc13MoYou London Artict 28 _ Born Pretty Store Stamping Polish Chrome _ Nail Art Minimalist_ Kinetics nail polish _ Love Nails Etc14MoYou London Artict 28 _ Born Pretty Store Stamping Polish Chrome _ Nail Art Minimalist_ Kinetics nail polish _ Love Nails Etc15



Enfin, pour le dernier nail art, j’ai voulu recréer un style Mondrian. Pour ce genre de nail art, je conseille la technique du leadlighting, qui consiste à ajouter la les couleurs sur le stamping directement à l’aide de vernis translucides type Dance Legend Aquarelle. [TUTO ici]

Finally, for the latest nail art, I wanted to recreate a Mondrian style. For this kind of nail art, I recommend the technique of leadlighting, which consists of adding the colors on the stamping directly using translucent varnish type Dance Legend Watercolor. [TUTO here]

Nail Art Mondrian Stamping leadlight technque _ MoYou Artist 28 _ Love Nails EtcNail Art Mondrian Stamping leadlight technque _ MoYou Artist 28 _ Love Nails Etc2Nail Art Mondrian Stamping leadlight technque _ MoYou Artist 28 _ Love Nails Etc3



Nail Art Mondrian Stamping leadlight technque _ MoYou Artist 28 _ Love Nails Etc _ Matte nail polishNail Art Mondrian Stamping leadlight technque _ MoYou Artist 28 _ Love Nails Etc _ Matte nail polish2Nail Art Mondrian Stamping leadlight technque _ MoYou Artist 28 _ Love Nails Etc _ Matte nail polish3Nail Art Mondrian Stamping leadlight technque _ MoYou Artist 28 _ Love Nails Etc _ Matte nail polish4Nail Art Mondrian Stamping leadlight technque _ MoYou Artist 28 _ Love Nails Etc _ Matte nail polish5




Voilà, je t’invite à aller voir le nail art de Barbara et n’oublie pas de me dire lequel de ces nail art tu as préféré sur ces 3 versions!

Well, I invite you to go see the nail art of Barbara and do not forget to tell me which of these nail art you preferred on those 3 versions!

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